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Student to Student

Q: All of my friends seem like they are having a blast at college, but I feel lonely! Is this normal?

A: It’s okay to feel homesick! Whether you’re a twenty-minute drive away or across the country, everyone gets a little homesick from time to time. It’s N O R M A L! You may think you’re alone, but ask any of your friends, and they will surely be able to relate.

Of course, if your homesickness is getting in the way of your academics or social life, you should reach out. Your RA is a great resource -- they are trained in helping students get through this big adjustment! 

Recently, a Cornell freshman posted a YouTube video about freshmen loneliness that went viral! Click the link to see it! 

Our summer intern Laura Card is a sophomore at Colgate University, where she plans to major in Biology and Women's Studies.