Dear Applicant...
Dear Applicant,
I really like you. You're smart, funny, beautiful, and just all-around amazing. But I'm just not ready to commit to you. I think there may be someone else out there that I like more than you.
I don’t know for sure, but I'm going to wait and see. So check back with me in a couple of months and I'll let you know if I've found someone I'm more into. But who knows, maybe I won't. Maybe you will be the one. But most likely not because I'll be dating A LOT of people between now and then.
What should you do in the meantime? Well, you can just wait and wish and hope I will eventually like you enough to commit. Or you can spend that time finding someone else who will love you for exactly who you are, as you are right now. Either way, I'll be fine so do whatever you think is best for you. Ok ttyl