Is A College Honors Program Right for You?
Honors Programs and Honors Colleges Can Be A Great Option for Some Students
Students striving to get more out their undergraduate education might consider applying to schools with Honors Programs or Honors Colleges. Although admission requirements vary, be aware that acceptance into any Honors Program usually requires test scores that are at the very top end of the college’s accepted students’ academic profile with similar overall strengths in high school course rigor and GPA. You will find Honors Programs or Honors Colleges at both public and private institutions. There are many variations among Honors Programs. Most have honors level classes and often thesis and research requirements. Enrollment may come with perks such as dedicated Honors dorms (or sections of dorms allotted to Honors students), study abroad stipends, and mentors and/or special advising. Often Honors students have priority registration for courses and Honors scholarships may be offered, some more generous than others. Some of the larger public universities with Honors programs describe them as “a liberal arts college within a larger research institution with the advantages of both” or similar descriptor. It pays to do some research to determine the institutional priority given and resources dedicated to support any particular Honors program and to fully understand if the school delivers on that promise. In some cases, it can be a great way to get value-added academic and extracurricular experience with a more reasonable price tag.