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How to Rock Your Midterms!

You’ve got this!

It’s midterm time at many high schools, an anxious time, to be sure. What can you do now to get ready to rock them?

  1. Alter your perspective. Students who view midterms as an opportunity, rather than fear them, tend to consistently do better on their exams. Why? The power of positive thinking.

  2. Organize. Take the time to make sure that you have all of the materials you need. Study guide? Reading materials? Index cards?

  3. Summarize. Take a tip from the Cornell Note-taking Method. Read through each page of your notes and summarize what is there. What is important to remember? What connects to other class material? What is likely to show up on the exam?

  4. Recharge. Make sure that you give yourself time to refuel. Even ten minutes of a study break can help you refocus your energy.

  5. Ask for help. Attend study sessions with your teacher, organize a study group of peers. Ask a parent or friend to quiz you on the material. It’s great to have that other perspective on the progress that you are making.