On the Road Again

Summer School REQUIRED for Florida Public Colleges

Florida State Colleges and Universities:  Summer Term Requirement for Undergraduate Students


While visiting Florida universities and colleges, we learned an important piece of information to consider if you are applying to schools in the state system.  According to Florida State regulations, “All students entering a university in the State University System with fewer than 60 semester hours credit shall be required to earn at least nine semester hours prior to graduation by attendance at one or more summer sessions. University presidents or their designees may waive the application of this regulation in cases of unusual hardship to the individual.”  Therefore, if you attend a state college or university in Florida, plan on spending one summer on campus to fulfill this requirement!


On the Road Again

Rhodes College

Rhodes College

At College Matters, visiting colleges, meeting with admissions professionals and talking with students and faculty are very important aspects of what we do. 

These visits allow us to give our students insight about colleges… before they go themselves.

On our recent visit to Rhodes College, we were thrilled to find a beautiful campus, engaged students and a dedicated faculty. Memphis is booming, and as the only college in the city, Rhodes students are first in line for internships, research and jobs. Check it out!

On the Road Again


The Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at the University of Redlands is an experimental living/learning community where students set their own course of study. Students contract with faculty for their academic coursework and receive evaluations rather than grades. And you can’t beat the location!

At College Matters, visiting colleges, meeting with admissions professionals and talking with students and faculty are very important aspects of what we do. 

These visits allow us to give our students insight about colleges… before they go themselves.


On the Road Again


One of the greatest assets of the University of North Carolina is its location. The research triangle is hot! Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, and NC State make up the research triangle, and companies are coming in droves. The basketball isn't too bad either!

At College Matters, visiting colleges, meeting with admissions professionals and talking with students and faculty are very important aspects of what we do. 

These visits allow us to give our students insight about colleges… before they go themselves.


On the Road Again

Looking for a four-year adventure? Consider LIU Global

Looking for a four-year adventure? Consider LIU Global

LIU Global allows students to earn a degree while exploring the world.

The unique program gives students a truly global perspective, combining classroom instruction, fieldwork, and internships through immersion experiences in eight or more countries. 

All LIU Global students earn a BA in Global Studies -- an education that is hands-on and experiential. Home base for year one is Costa Rica. The second two semesters are spent in Europe. During the third year, students choose between Australia or China. Finally, the four-year experience culminates in the final year when students put their education into practice with an international research project and capstone semester at the Long Island University Brooklyn campus. 

At College Matters, visiting colleges, meeting with admissions professionals and talking with students and faculty are very important aspects of what we do. 

These visits allow us to give our students insight about colleges… before they go themselves.


On the Road Again

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University

At College Matters, visiting colleges, meeting with admissions professionals and talking with students and faculty are very important aspects of what we do. 

These visits allow us to give our students insight about colleges… before they go themselves.

On our recent visit to Stony Brook University, we learned about the WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) program. WISE students have a plethora of opportunities and advantages: from small first-year study groups led by a mentor to priority registration, generous merit scholarships, specific WISE evening seminars, and additional faculty advising. You must be admitted to WISE as an incoming freshman, so check it out in advance! You'll be happy you did.
