Move over biology - computer science is the hot new major!
The numbers are staggering. From 2011 to 2021, The University of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering saw a 400% increase in interest in studying computer science. At the University of Wisconsin — Madison? 800%!
Naturally, admission rates reflect this popularity. Last year, out-of-state students applying directly to CS at the University of Washington faced a 3% acceptance rate. At Carnegie Mellon, the admit rate to CS was 5%.
Once on campus, it’s still competitive. A recent article in the New York Times, “The Hard Part of Computer Science? Getting into Class,” highlights the issues many computer science majors have getting the classes they need to graduate. “It’s a cutthroat race to register for classes,” one comp sci student shared.
So what should you do if you want to pursue computer science in college?
Diversify your list. We always tell computer science applicants to ensure that they have plenty of safety schools on their list. And dig deeper into the admission rates for computer science versus the overall admission rate to make sure that your “safety” school isn’t actually a reach.
Consider alternative majors. Plenty of students land lucrative tech jobs with alternate majors such as Applied and Computational Mathematics, Data Science, or Digital Arts and Media. Others choose to minor in computer science, pairing it with majors such as economics, physics, or engineering.
Work to develop your “CS Fingerprint.” Successful CS applicants tend to have robust resumes and diverse experiences outside of the classroom. Yes, they can code, but they have already begun to use their skills to make an impact: developing apps for local non-profits, assisting businesses with website maintenance or database development, and participating in hack-a-thons, robotics tournaments, and science fair competitions.